Upper Extremity Prostheses

This type of prosthesis can be used for all levels of amputation. It is used primarily to replace the body part that is missing. This promotes a healthy body image, and is also functional in that it can assist the sound side arm in activities such as holding or placing objects


Mechanical (Body Powered)

This prosthesis uses body movements to operate the terminal device (hand or hook.) The prosthesis is connected to the body through the use of cables and harness. Using movements of the shoulders and the arms, the person can open and close the terminal device


Myoelectric (Externally powered)

The Myoelectric uses signals from muscles of the residual limb to control the opening and closing of the terminal device (hook or hand) or elbow depending on the level of amputation. Electrodes are incorporated into the prosthetic socket and by contracting the muscles of the residual limb, electrical signals are sent to the motors which open and close the terminal device (hook or hand) or lift and lower the forearm at the elbow.
